(Guidelines and Regulations for the Conduct of the Tournament)

1. The Tournament will be conducted according to the rules of BAI with required modifications if necessary.
2. Each team should be ready to play more than one match as the case may be.
3. Only one team from each category can participate from a school.
4. The tournament will be conducted on knockout basis.
5. The decision of the convenor of the tournament shall be final on any dispute.
6. The organizers have the power to change the fixture without prior intimation
7. The coach or manager concerned will be responsible for the proper code of conduct of each member of his/her team.
8. A team manager/coach should accompany the team.
9. Each team should bring the required shuttlecocks for practice.
10. Every participant should carry their school ID card.
11. Only online entries will be accepted. Registration begins on 04th September and closes on 11st September 2023. Spot registration is not allowed.
       Original entry form should be produced on the day of competition.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Log in www.skps.ac.in
2. Click online registration menu in main window
3. Enter participant’s details and upload the participant’s photo.
4. After completing the registration process, click Confirm button. For any correction, click Edit button.
    (After clicking the confirm button no further change will be allowed by the system.)
5. In the next page, you will get the option to take the printout of the entry form.
6. Registration fee should be paid online only. On the day of competition, submit the printed entry form along with the cash receipt.
7. The schools can transfer the total amount of the participants to the following Account:

CURRENT ACCOUNT NO : 43533070000890

Instructions regarding uploading of photo
1. Max size: 1 MB, Image dimension 150 W x 200 H px
2. Name and Date of birth must be inscribed (In two lines) in black color text at the bottom of the photograph.

Registration fee (Boys & Girls)
Singles = Rs.500/-
Doubles = Rs.800/-

Food will be arranged for out-station participants on payment. In that case you should fill up the requirement in the entry form. On the day of competition you can collect the food coupon after making the payment.

NB: Food Coupon will be issued only to the participants who have pre-booked food while registering for the competition. Spot booking of food is not allowed.