Children’s Day celebration at SKPS was a delightful day filled with laughter, joy and vibrant energy. A special assembly was held for Junior & Senior students where teachers shared messages about nurturing curiosity & creativity in children. The Junior assembly had a surprise entry of a teacher Ms Anju Mathew ( department of English) dressed up as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru took the children by surprise. Here the teacher exhorted the children to believe in themselves and become responsible citizens.
A Chacha Nehru competition was conducted for classes Pre-KG –Std 2. It was an adorable sight to watch little Chacha Nehru’s donned in Chacha Nehru outfits and chanting, “I love my India.”
Teachers took the stage by storm by their scintillating performances. Students were in rapt attention watching their teachers sprightly glow in every single item. The stage came alive with the lively & shimmering costumes garbed by teachers.
As we celebrate Children’s Day, we reaffirm our commitment to the happiness of every child.
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